Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Psychology of Climate Change Communication

“The Psychology of Climate Change Communication” is a great read. I would recommend this work to anyone concerned about the global climate crisis and to any public relations professional. This work, by Debika Shome and Sabine Marx, does a great job of detailing several public relations tools. The methods and tools presented by Shome and Marx include framing a message, detailing single action bias, and explaining the difference between people with prevention or promotion focuses. By presenting the information in the manner in which these authors have, this work is able to appeal to a much larger group of people. Public relations professionals who may not be very interested or concerned about the global climate crisis may find themselves intrigued with the topic after reading “The Psychology of Climate Change Communication.” I think that the information presented in this piece is “framed” perfectly for public relations professionals to not only understand but to also retain.
I know personally that I have not done all that I could have done to help provoke the change needed to help save the future of our planet but I feel that reading this book has put me on the right path. Doing things such as unplugging appliances when they are not in use and limiting the amount of water that I use while brushing my teeth are small but effective ways to help ease the strain I put on this planet. The information presented in this book.
For other readers, this book definitely has an appeal for them, as well. The global climate crisis is a predicament that has the potential to affect every living thing on this planet. "The Psychology of Climate Change Communication" presents a great deal of research that can be very informative for the general public. When researchers present valid but bland facts, readers can become bored very easily and forget what they have just read almost immediately. However, Shome and Marx present a significant number of examples and stories to back up their research and provide black-and-white facts with some coloration.
“The Psychology of Climate Change Communication” is a definite must-read, not only for public relations professionals or readers concerned with the climate crisis, but also for just about anybody. This is an overall great read.


  1. All in all it was a good book for people who like this kind of stuff. For me, I enjoyed it to the minimum. The climate crisis hasn't really inched my interest. I just can't get my interest up on the whole climate crisis issue. But if I ever decided to go into climate crisis communication, I will definitly get this book.

    Byron Johnson

  2. Barrington,
    I can definitely agree that “The Psychology of Climate Change Communication” is a great read. Before reading this book I had a very small interest in climate change. I learned that everything on earth is affected by climate change and I need to do my part to save the earth. This book also has taught me a lot of facts that I can share with my friends to persuade them to go green.

    Keith Blue

  3. I agree we must do the right thing. The book really exposed the truth about some practionsrs. We have to be trusted by our publics in order to become affective. If we do not do the righyou will not be able toget concrete information to the publics.
