Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Do the Right Thing

One of the most valuable public relations tools available to PR professionals is “Do the Right Thing.” This piece by Jim Hoggan provides insight and information that can be utilized by any Public Relations professionals. Hoggan’s “three golden rules” are the foundation of this wealth of knowledge he provides readers. To be successful in the field of public relations, one must do the following: do the right thing, be seen doing the right thing, and don’t get one and two mixed up. This can be applied to any profession but holds a lot of weight in public relations. This field is one where morals and values can really make or break someone, so to hold Hoggans points close and to practice them at all times can make the difference between a mediocre public relations professional and a great one.

Ethics and credibility are two of the most valuable assets of a Public Relations Practioneer. Clients usually seek pr help when facing adversity. To know that they can go to someone who they can trust and know will do their job and conduct themselves in an ethical manner can make a world of difference.  Hoggans puts these two values and their importance into persepective in "Do the Right Thing." By following and abiding by these rules any public realtions student or professional can all but ensure themselves success in this field. I believe that "Do the Right Thing" by Jim Hoggans is a great read and I would recommend this to anyone looking into the public relations field.


  1. Barrington,

    I also read this book for class. I, too, thought that it was a great book, especially for aspiring PR practitioners. It is so important for organizations to work ethically and responsibly nowadays because news travels fast nowadays. If a company is caught doing the wrong things, the general public, their constituents, and the media will find out quickly. Companies will lose out on a lot of money, lose their credibility and tarnish their reputation if they are not doing good things.

    Tiffany K. Bain

  2. Barrington,

    I would argue that ethics and credibility are important in every career. However, you are correct about it being even more pertinent in PR, because image is our business. Your reputation typically proceeds your image in the professional world. Before you even step foot in an interview, people have asked about you. They have called your professors and asked about your ethics. They have conducted an information search to assess your credibility. As professionals, PR or otherwise, we must always be very careful to protect our personal brand so that we can enjoy great success in our future.

    Great post!

  3. I did my most recent blog post on "Do The Right Thing" too. I think the book directly relates to public relations and it also applies to other aspects of life. Credibility is everything and it can be easily damaged when people are careless. This book offers great advice and tactics on how to be successful in the field of public relations.
